
Map-based supervision enables delegation and scheduling. Worker location data can make work more effective because you can select the nearest resources for a specific task. 

Real-time view of progress

Calendar view boosting planning

Mobile entries give accurate data of tasks complete in the field

Map view helps with division of labor

Managing work with a map

The map based Geometrix supervision solution gives you tools to boost your supervisory and field work.  

Task status and resource use is easy to monitor visually on the map with different colors and themes.   

Supervisors can track task statuses and entries, which makes it possible to communicate about the tasks. You can pull task-related material reports, work time entries, dashboard reports or map searches, there are many options. 

Sovellus tuo työkohteet kartalle, jolloin voidaan tarkastella esimerkiksi viimeisimpiä huoltokäyntejä ja tulevia tarkastuksia yhdessä näkymässä.

Work plans

esigning a work management solution starts with a map-based asset register that is connected to scheduled maintenance, fault data or other events that require action. Geometrix creates an asset register if requested or you can use a ready-made data register, if available. 

Työnohjauksen kalenteri- ja karttanäkymä tietokoneen näytöllä

Task management

Supervisors can run a division of labor for resources either automatically based on a set of rules or manually by transferring the tasks to the desired resource. Task and resource management with a map helps with division of labor.  

Työntekijän mobiilisovelluksen tehtävänäkymä, jossa hän kuittaa työtehtävän tehdyksi.

Mobile worker task list

Workers make task-based entries for completed tasks, materials, resource consumption, time use and attachments with an easy-to-use mobile app. 

Contact us

Please fill out the contact form if you have any inquiries or if you’d like more information about our products and services.